Haunted Theatres of Tulsa Oklahoma

Felicia Huffman
10 min readAug 16, 2020

We are going to discuss two famous haunted theatres in Tulsa, Oklahoma this week. Our first stop is the Tulsa Little Theatre. Thanks to three forward-thinking women, Tulsa Little Theatre was born. It had a modest start. Their first theatre was nothing more than a circus tent. But the theatre troupe had a “the show must go on” attitude and didn’t let this deter them. They not only used circus tents, but they performed in movie theaters, and even the American Legion, before they got their permanent structure. They would hold their workshops in the storage room of Palace Clothier, which would become the Ritz Theatre. Their theatre group had amassed 300 members by 1925, and they had started to perform regularly at Alhambra Theatre. Despite the Depression, the theatre troupe continued to perform and their official building was built in 1932. Tulsa Little Theatre soon became the first community theatre to produce the shows All My Sons and Our Town.

The theatre has set quietly on Delaware Street amongst gingerbread-type homes, that are historic themselves, for 88 years. But in those 88 years, the theatre has seen its fair share of tragedies, both real and theatrical.

During the ’40s the foyer and backstage areas underwent a renovation. Unfortunately, those renovations would be destroyed in a devastating fire that broke out after their third performance of The Women



Felicia Huffman

Hello, I am F.A. Huffman. I am a writer and crafter at heart, but currently work FT to pay the bills. Find me at fahuffman.com, FB, Insta, & Twitter.